Experiencing is believing
Sometimes you need to escape.
You need to grab hold of a chance to spread your creative wings and learn from the unexpected.
This is why in August we're returning to the beautiful island of Zanzibar to run our summer residential course - Facilitate Without Fear – in the calm and tropical village Mwangapani. A residency is the perfect place to learn – we can get away from all those daily worries and immerse ourselves in the challenge of facilitating in the moment.
The intense blue sea of Zanzibar is just fifteen minutes walk away and the classes take place within a self contained creative NGO with a big workshop space. Zanzibar itself is a bustling meeting point of cultures where Africa blends with the East. Expats from across the globe call Zanzibar home and our summer school brings together children with European and African heritage to learn from the participants artistic practice.
It’s difficult to find a place to play with facilitation skills. So many leaders are out there learning on the job where failing isn’t really an option. Facilitate Without Fear provides that safe space, you can experiment with your artistic practice and really discover what makes it tick.
“I strongly believe that the only way to learn is to do and through the combination of Simon’s passionate and attentive nature as a facilitator and the harmonious, collaborative working environment that he created within the trainees and our workspace, my artistic practice and self confidence has significantly developed.”
And how do you practice leading workshops? The ability to teach your craft is often seen just as a by-product of being an artist. We bring together a group who appreciates the stress and strain of holding up your practice as an example for others to follow.
During the course we’ll run a summer school for ex-pat children, and spend a couple of days running workshops in a local school. It’s a chance to put into practice everything we’ve been learning and to discover how to draw on your skills to inspire many people.
If you would like to find out a bit more about our residentials do check out this video. There's also photos and testimonials there from last year’s course with some further information here.