Whether you send us a message via a form on our site or sign up for email updates from us, we’ll only ever use the information you provide for the services you’ve asked for – to get in touch with you via the details you provide and/or send you occasional email updates about our charity and its projects. We won't email you, or add you to our mailing list, without your consent.

We’ll always keep this information safe and we'll never share it with anyone else without full permission. If you register to hear from us via email, you can update your preferences or unsubscribe from our updates at any time by following the links at the bottom of our email updates. 


Depending on the form you're filling in, you'll be asked to enter some personal details so we can fulfil your request. These include first name, last name, email address, telephone number, company name, and, if you choose to, specific interests.

We also collect information on what you view, click on and access through our emails and website. On our website, this information may also include from where you came to our website, and where you went on leaving it (for instance, via an external link on one of our pages). We also track how often you visit and use our website. See our cookies statement below this section.


We collect information from you when you subscribe to our mailing list, fill out a form on our website and interact with our email messages and website.



Cookies are small text files that websites save locally to your computer, allowing those sites to store and use information during your visit. They may not go that well with a nice cuppa, but they can make using websites easier by:

    •    Remembering preferences, so you don’t have to keep re-entering your choices every time you visit

    •    Measuring how you use a site, so that changes can be made to meet your needs

To find out more about cookies and how to manage them, visit



We use non-intrusive cookies on the Root Experience website to track things like number of visits, popularity of certain pages and links that are clicked on. This gives us an idea of how people interact with our website, and helps us to ensure it meets the needs of our audience. We don’t collect any personal information that can be used to identify visitors to our site.

If you’d prefer not to use cookies, you can set your browser preferences to refuse to accept cookies from this website.



Unless stated otherwise, the content and resources provided on this website are usable under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. This doesn't extend to the illustrations by Tinne Luyten.